Worried that your iron supplement will stain your teeth? With Active Iron, you won’t have to compromise on your smile to stay healthy.
They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression – and studies have shown we can make our major decisions about a person within seven seconds of meeting them.
Most of the thousands of tiny, instant decisions we make about a stranger are based on non-verbal cues. How you look and act, your body language, and the many silent signals you send, can be as much as four times more powerful when making an initial impression as anything you say.
And your smile is, of course, a big part of that.
Teeth-Staining Due To Iron Supplement
Traditional oral Iron supplements have always caused problems for those who value their smiles.
Iron is a metal and along with certain other metals, such as silver and manganese, is why it can stain your teeth on contact.
The distinctive dark brown (or black, tinged with brown) discoloration caused by iron was first noticed in the teeth of men who worked in the great iron foundries of the industrial revolution.
Being exposed to heavy concentrations of iron led to the ironworkers quickly developing very noticeable, dark brown stains on their teeth.
Fewer people make a living in modern times smelting iron, but those who take iron supplements can still be exposed to the staining effects of the metal if the wrong supplements are taken.
Liquid Iron Staining Teeth
Iron can adhere to pits and fissures in your teeth, making it particularly difficult to clean. Dentists class iron staining as “tenacious,” or hard to remove.
Stained teeth have long been one of the many side-effects of traditional iron tonics. Those who take liquid oral supplements have had to use methods such as diluting the iron with fruit or tomato juice, or using straws and droppers to try and keep the oral iron away from their teeth.
No matter how careful you are, taking liquid iron orally will allow it to mix with the saliva in your mouth, increasing the likelihood that it will come into contact with your teeth.
In some cases, even iron supplements in tablet form can cause teeth staining, if the pills are chewed or left in the mouth long enough for the coating (often sugar-based) to dissolve.
Iron supplements and stained teeth: Not an issue with our supplement
With Active Iron, tooth-staining is not an issue.
This next-generation iron supplement makes use of a new formulation and delivery system developed by scientists at Trinity College in Dublin which greatly reduces side-effects, including teeth-staining.
The ferrous sulphate – the active iron our bodies need – is encased in whey-protein microspheres which do not begin to break down (and release the iron) until they are in the small intestine – well away from your teeth!
The whey proteins themselves are encased in a capsule – providing a double-barrier against early release of the iron.
With Active Iron, tooth-staining is not an issue
This targeted delivery system means the active ingredient is released where it can be absorbed most effectively. Iron is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb but clinical trials have shown that Active Iron has double the absorption rates of traditional supplements.
This revolutionary new formula also helps reduce the gastro-intestinal side-effects which are a common complaint amongst consumers. Active Iron’s formulation provides a high level of irona absorption* while being gentle enough to take on an empty stomach, making it both Kind & Strong.
We value a bright smile, in ourselves and others. Many of us go to significant expense and effort to keep our teeth in tip-top condition.
An iron supplement should not compromise your smile. With Active Iron, you can be confident it won’t.
* Wang et al. 2017, Acta Haematological, 138: 223-232