We get iron from our food so a healthy balanced diet should ensure we have sufficient iron in our diets. In some cases, like during pregnancy or due to a restricted diet, it may be necessary to take an iron supplement to keep up our iron levels.
However, some people find it difficult to take iron supplements without feeling sick, often experiencing stomach irritation and nausea.
But how can you make sure that supplementing with iron doesn’t make you feel sick?
This is the question we’re going to be answering in this article, but first of all, there’s a few things we need to cover:
- Why you need iron
- Where you will find iron in your diet
- How you can maximize iron absorption
- How you can ensure that taking iron pills, doesn’t make you feel sick
Active Iron has a scientifically developed formula which ensures it works in perfect harmony with your body, while also being kind on your stomach and highly effective. Click this link to visit our store and purchase Active Iron.
Let’s get right into it.
Why Do You Need Iron?
Healthy iron levels support your overall health. Iron contributes to normal cognitive function and energy yielding metabolism, so when your body has enough iron, you feel more energized and alert.
Maintaining healthy iron levels helps reduce tiredness and fatigue in the body and can help improve immune system function.
Your body also needs iron to produce hemoglobin – a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
Naturally, this means the people who are most likely to benefit from iron supplements are:
- Pregnant women
- Women during their period
- People over the age of 65
- Active Exercisers
- Vegetarians
How Can You Get More Iron In Your Diet?
There are two types of iron:
- Heme iron, which is most commonly found in meat, fish and poultry.
- Non-heme iron, which is found in plant-based foods such as legumes, nuts and vegetables.
Your body absorbs heme iron way more easily than non-heme iron.
If you eat more meat, you will likely boost your iron levels higher than if you mostly consume non-heme iron from other sources.
However, eating a lot of meat isn’t the only option for increasing your iron intake – taking an iron supplement can be a helpful addition to a well-balanced diet.
Here is a list of iron-rich foods you can start implementing in your diet right now:
- Beef
- Eggs
- Pork
- Chicken
- Shrimp
- Tuna
- White bread
- Tofu
- Spinach
- Kale
How Is Iron Absorbed In The Body?
When iron enters the stomach, it’s exposed to stomach acid and changed into a Fe+3 form. This will need to be converted back into Fe+2 by the body so that it can be absorbed.
The majority of iron is absorbed in the small intestine, specifically the duodenum. As iron enters the mucosal sites of the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) this is where most of its absorption takes place.
If you are supplementing with iron, it is best to find a supplement that is designed to release at the body’s natural site of absorption than one that breaks down completely in the stomach.
That’s why if you want to take iron without getting sick, you have to do your best to ease the iron absorption process.
Here are a few tips that will help you increase your iron absorption and lessen the chances of getting sick after taking an iron supplement:
- If you don’t experience any stomach problems, take iron in the morning on an empty stomach.
- If you have a sensitive stomach, take iron along with a little food, so it doesn’t make you nauseous.
- When you take iron with food, do NOT eat milk, calcium or antacids, and don’t drink tea or coffee because they will lower your ability to absorb iron.
- Take iron with a Vitamin C supplement or with orange juice to increase the absorption.
Is That The Only Way To Take Iron Without Getting Sick?
You can follow all of the above tips, OR if you are looking for an easier option, you can just start taking Active Iron – the iron supplement that revolutionizes iron absorption and is gentle on your stomach. Providing higher absorption of iron than other oral irons on the market,* and a non-constipating formulation,** Active Iron is recommended by health professionals and loved by consumers.
Will Active Iron Tablets Make You Feel Sick?
No they should not, Active Iron has a ground-breaking formula that is kind on your gut. Our iron pills are specifically designed to help reduce side effects e.g. feel sick, nauseated, constipated.
Active Iron is a very tolerable and easy-to-absorb iron supplement.
Active Iron will increase the amount of iron you absorb and reduces the chances of making you feel sick because it works in tune with your body by targeting your natural site of absorption in the small intestine.
Active Iron reduces unwanted side effects that are typically associated with taking iron pills, such as nausea, cramping, constipation, flatulence, and stomach irritation.
Conclusion: If You Want To Optimise Your Chance Of Not Feeling Sick Due To Iron Pills, Choose Active Iron
Maintaining healthy iron levels will go a long way to promoting a better lifestyle and a healthier body.
If you regularly feel tired or fatigued, try taking an iron supplement to see if it boosts your energy levels.*
When you need an iron supplement that won’t make you feel sick, the best option is Active Iron. By reducing gut irritation from iron, Active Iron limits the potential side effects of iron including nausea.
It has a scientifically proven formula that works in tune with your body to improve your absorption and increase your iron levels and reduces the chances of making you feel sick.
Making Active Iron a part of your daily routine is a guaranteed way to reap all the benefits of an increased iron intake.
Iron supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
*These symptoms maybe signs of other conditions, you should contact a health care profession if they persist
*Wang et al. 2017, Acta Haematological, 138: 223-232
**Ledwidge et al. Data on file.