Active Iron is different.
Most iron supplements dissolve in the stomach. This can lead to oxidation and gut inflammation, which can lead to common side effects associated with iron supplements, such as constipation and nausea. Active Iron is different. Its ground breaking whey protein formula targets the right place for absorption, the DMT-1. This helps reduce oxidation, thus protecting the gut from inflammation. As a result, Active Iron is highly absorbed compared to other iron supplements³, making it gentle on the stomach and clinical results have shown that it increases iron levels by 94%⁴.

Caroline shares her experience with Active Iron.
Brand Ambassador Caroline Hassett struggled with the side effects of iron supplements before she discovered Active Iron.
If you struggle with the side effects of iron supplements, Active Iron’s Kind & Strong formula can double your iron levels without the common side effects
Our products.

Active Iron High Potency
Active Iron 25mg is clinically proven to double iron levels and restore energy.

Active Iron for Women
Active Iron for Women helps support iron levels & women’s nutritional needs.

¹Pereira D et al BMC Gastroenterol 2014 Jun 4;14:103. doi: 10.1186/1471 230X-14-103.²Tolkien Z, et al. PLOS ONE 2015. ³Wang et al. 2017, Acta Haematologica, 138: 223-232. ⁴Ledwidge et al. 2021. Data on file.